Note: These papers are scripts of conference talks. They are posted as written and delivered, with no updating other than formatting changes to make them presentable online (with a useful online link added here and there); so they may not (often do not) reflect my current thinking on given questions. They have not been published elsewhere or peer-reviewed, so they may contain errors of fact (despite my scholarly care for fact-checking while drafting talks). They also may refer to other texts without the sort of full references and citation that would accompany more formally published works.

“The Empire’s New Texts: A Lucan-Centered Syllabus for Roman Literature and History,” 3/25/2006, at annual conference of the Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest (CAPNnew website), Reed College, Portland, OR. (CAPN 2006 talk pdf, capn 2006 handout)

“Ancient Ruins in Bob Dylan’s Masked and Anonymous (2003),” 3/11/2006, at Cal. State Long Beach Comparative Literature Conference, Long Beach, CA. (CSLB talk pdf) (M & A powerpoint ) (conference press release)

“Social Formation and Intergroup Competition in Ancient Greece and China,” 3/5/2006, at conference Ancient Song in Cross-Cultural Perspective: Ritual, Performance, and History, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. (Emory Talk pdf)

Conference Website (at Internet Archive)

“Archaic Oral Epos and Ritual Manufacture of Musical Instruments,” 2/25/2006, at USC graduate conference Ties that Bind and Build: Networks of Production in the Ancient Mediterranean, USC, Los Angeles, CA. (USC 2006 talk pdf) (USC 2006 talk ppt)

“Tortoises, Lyres and Eros Amechanos: the irresistible sex appeal of musical instruments.” 2/19/2005, on panel “Affective Arts and the Production of Subject,” at the 2005 CACW/CAPN Conference “(Ir)rationality in Antiquity,” Victoria, British Columbia. (CAPN 2005 talk pdf)

“Orpheus: Thracian bard, student of Moses, or mosaic villa decor?” 3/27/2004, at UNC-Duke graduate student colloquium, Chapel Hill, NC. (UNC talk abstract pdf) (conference program)

“Paronomasia and riddling speech in the Homeric Hymn to Hermes,” 1/4/2004, at APA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (APA 2004 talk pdf, apa 2004 handout pdf)

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